Acadia Calgary Detached Home Sales Statistics
Discover the latest trends in the Acadia Calgary real estate market, including average home prices, home price per square foot, home sales volume, and year-over-year changes for detached Acadia Calgary homes. These insights will help you understand the Acadia real estate market and make informed home-buying and selling decisions.
All the charts below use the same underlying data of Single Family Homes Sold in Acadia Calgary from the Calgary Real Estate Board since 1981.
Average Sold Prices of Acadia Calgary Homes by Year
This chart of average prices of homes sold in Acadia Calgary by year reveals the price direction year over year and over the longer term. Acadia Calgary has about 2,200 Single Family Homes according to the City of Calgary. The Calgary Real Estate Board has records of approximately 4,500 sales dating back to 1981, which is where the data in the chart comes from. Homes in Acadia Calgary are still too young to be knocked down and rebuilt, which makes this comparison data more reliable than other Calgary communities. Acadia Calgary is a great place to own real estate that will offset inflation over the years of your ownership.

Average Sold Price Per Square Foot of Acadia Calgary Homes by Year
In Acadia Calgary, you will find a lot of standard bungalows built in the early 1960s, averaging around the same size in square feet. This is why this chart looks like the previous chart for Acadia Calgary Average Home Prices. Homes in Calgary sold through licensed realtors are required to be measured using mandatory real estate industry standards. Comparing home values of your house to the one next door, if they are not the same size, starts with price per square foot before considering other variables. Price per square foot gets more meaningful as we drill down and look at never-renovated Acadia homes versus completely renovated Acadia homes. This chart is just to show the overall yearly and long-term direction of the prices per square foot of Acadia Calgary homes since 1981.

Year-over-Year Percentage Change in Average Prices of Homes Sold in Acadia Calgary
Find the horizontal zero line in the chart below. The zero line is the yearly start point of home prices in relation to the previous year of Acadia Calgary home prices. As you saw in the charts above, the overall direction in home prices has been up. However, the year-over-year changes have had some wild swings. The down years are below the zero line, and the up years are above. This is why you hear the saying, "Time in the market is more important than timing the market." Real estate is a long-term investment, but you still need to buy the right product in the right community. Acadia Calgary home prices show it's best to ignore the short term. Just buy on a good street and maintain the home properly, and you will be rewarded for making Acadia Calgary your home.

Sales Volume by Year of Homes in Acadia Calgary
As you read at the beginning, Acadia Calgary has about 2,200 single-family homes. There are also over 4,500 sales recorded in the Calgary Real Estate Board database. Of the 4,500, the unique address count is about 2,095. This means over 100 have never changed hands or were just sold off the MLS system or sold before 1981. I know for a fact there are still many one-owner homes in Acadia. The chart below is simply the number of single-family homes that changed ownership each year in Acadia Calgary. The average is about 88. A very small turnover is a sign of a great community to live in—and a great community to invest in.

Sales Volume as a Percentage of Total Unique Addresses in the MLS System for Acadia Calgary
This Acadia Calgary home sales chart uses the same underlying data as all the other charts. Here our question is: "What is the percentage of homes sold in Acadia Calgary each year based on the total unique addresses in the Calgary Real Estate Board system?" From a quick look, it appears between 4 to 5% is the average, which again is very low and a healthy sign of a great community to live in and own real estate in.

Scatter Chart of Homes Sold in Acadia Calgary Since 1980
Each dot represents a home sold by date and price sold in Acadia. Most homes in the community were built in the early 1960s. As you can see, homes in Acadia Calgary traded in a tight price range in the early years. As time goes on, many of these homes in Acadia Calgary have been renovated, which is why we see the price range of homes sold widening the gap between low and high prices. Only after every home has been renovated would the gap narrow again. What does this mean for you? Homes in Acadia Calgary offer a lot of opportunities to buy low and sell high. Or buy low and renovate to your standards. Or move into a great community in a completely renovated home. Homes for sale in Acadia Calgary are a great option for first-time home buyers and seasoned homeowners alike.